19. Summary


Optimal Policy and State-Value Function in Blackjack (Sutton and Barto, 2017)

Optimal Policy and State-Value Function in Blackjack (Sutton and Barto, 2017)

### Monte Carlo Methods

  • Monte Carlo methods - even though the underlying problem involves a great degree of randomness, we can infer useful information that we can trust just by collecting a lot of samples.
  • The equiprobable random policy is the stochastic policy where - from each state - the agent randomly selects from the set of available actions, and each action is selected with equal probability.

### MC Prediction

  • Algorithms that solve the prediction problem determine the value function v_\pi (or q_\pi) corresponding to a policy \pi.
  • When working with finite MDPs, we can estimate the action-value function q_\pi corresponding to a policy \pi in a table known as a Q-table. This table has one row for each state and one column for each action. The entry in the s-th row and a-th column contains the agent's estimate for expected return that is likely to follow, if the agent starts in state s, selects action a, and then henceforth follows the policy \pi.
  • Each occurrence of the state-action pair s,a (s\in\mathcal{S},a\in\mathcal{A}) in an episode is called a visit to s,a.
  • There are two types of MC prediction methods (for estimating q_\pi):
    • First-visit MC estimates q_\pi(s,a) as the average of the returns following only first visits to s,a (that is, it ignores returns that are associated to later visits).
    • Every-visit MC estimates q_\pi(s,a) as the average of the returns following all visits to s,a.

### Greedy Policies

  • A policy is greedy with respect to an action-value function estimate Q if for every state s\in\mathcal{S}, it is guaranteed to select an action a\in\mathcal{A}(s) such that a = \arg\max_{a\in\mathcal{A}(s)}Q(s,a). (It is common to refer to the selected action as the greedy action.)
  • In the case of a finite MDP, the action-value function estimate is represented in a Q-table. Then, to get the greedy action(s), for each row in the table, we need only select the action (or actions) corresponding to the column(s) that maximize the row.

### Epsilon-Greedy Policies

  • A policy is \epsilon-greedy with respect to an action-value function estimate Q if for every state s\in\mathcal{S},
    • with probability 1-\epsilon, the agent selects the greedy action, and
    • with probability \epsilon, the agent selects an action uniformly at random from the set of available (non-greedy AND greedy) actions.

### MC Control

  • Algorithms designed to solve the control problem determine the optimal policy \pi_* from interaction with the environment.
  • The Monte Carlo control method uses alternating rounds of policy evaluation and improvement to recover the optimal policy.

### Exploration vs. Exploitation

  • All reinforcement learning agents face the Exploration-Exploitation Dilemma, where they must find a way to balance the drive to behave optimally based on their current knowledge (exploitation) and the need to acquire knowledge to attain better judgment (exploration).
  • In order for MC control to converge to the optimal policy, the Greedy in the Limit with Infinite Exploration (GLIE) conditions must be met:
    • every state-action pair s, a (for all s\in\mathcal{S} and a\in\mathcal{A}(s)) is visited infinitely many times, and
    • the policy converges to a policy that is greedy with respect to the action-value function estimate Q.

### Incremental Mean

  • (In this concept, we amended the policy evaluation step to update the Q-table after every episode of interaction.)

### Constant-alpha

  • (In this concept, we derived the algorithm for constant-\alpha MC control, which uses a constant step-size parameter \alpha.)
  • The step-size parameter \alpha must satisfy 0 < \alpha \leq 1. Higher values of \alpha will result in faster learning, but values of \alpha that are too high can prevent MC control from converging to \pi_*.